Thursday, January 15, 2009

Apricot Jam ~アプリコットジャム~

Posted by KazuoWorld

In our back yard, we have a huuuuge apricot tree,
which has like 1 thousand apricots ready to be eaten.

To be honest, I don't think I'm going to be able to eat that many,
and I'm sure my parents can't eat that many too
by seeing the way they're giving it out to as many people as possible.

Mind you, they are so sweet and juicy, that it's just a waste to let it rot on the branches.

So, I found a nice and easy recipe for some Jam,
which contains pretty much, apricots and sugar... lots of sugar.
(mmmmm, sugaaaaaarr)

It takes a long time to make,
because you have to keep it warm and stir it for a couple of hours.
So if you are ever thinking of making jam,
don't forget to move the TV so you can watch it from the kitchen.


Jarome B Jackson said...

Kaz I want some apricots or apricot jam! By the way write how you make it too! Its too much fun reading it, but I wanna try to make it too.