Monday, January 26, 2009

Tuna Pasta ~ツナパスタ~

Posted by KazuoWorld

I Have been very busy this weekend,
Had many parties to attend and also with Chinese New Year,
Alot of drinking was involved.

But it was a good weekend (^_^)
I enjoyed it very much.

I have been drinking day and night, for 4 days straight now,
and it is not a fun feeling anymore.
It was fun at the time, but now Im just... ewwwwww...><
So I didn't have much time to cook, so here is something I made a few days ago.
Just a quick Tuna/Tomato pasta,
to go with my beer.
mmmmm beer.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bread ~食パン~

Posted by KazuoWorld

Just thought I'd try and bake a simple bread,
to go with my Jam that I made the other day.

The bread was quiet hard to bake, as it was my first time.
It turned out a little too soft, like kind of a cake.

should be better next time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Apricot Jam ~アプリコットジャム~

Posted by KazuoWorld

In our back yard, we have a huuuuge apricot tree,
which has like 1 thousand apricots ready to be eaten.

To be honest, I don't think I'm going to be able to eat that many,
and I'm sure my parents can't eat that many too
by seeing the way they're giving it out to as many people as possible.

Mind you, they are so sweet and juicy, that it's just a waste to let it rot on the branches.

So, I found a nice and easy recipe for some Jam,
which contains pretty much, apricots and sugar... lots of sugar.
(mmmmm, sugaaaaaarr)

It takes a long time to make,
because you have to keep it warm and stir it for a couple of hours.
So if you are ever thinking of making jam,
don't forget to move the TV so you can watch it from the kitchen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pisang Goreng ~ピサンゴレン~

Posted by KazuoWorld

I got some not-so-ripe bananas today,
which I made some Pisang Goreng with because last time I did
the bananas were sooooo squishy and soft so it didn't stay in shape.

For those who don't know what Pisang Goreng is, it is Indonesian for "Fried Banana".
(Yes I am learning Indonesian at the moment... don't ask how good it is though.)

And to be honest, I don't know if my pisang goreng was good or not,
because I have not eaten the real thing before.

also I don't know how it is meant to be eaten..
so yeah I just had it with ice cream. lol

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Mango Pudding ~マンゴープリン~

Posted by KazuoWorld

We had some Mango in the fridge,
its been there for like a week now and its getting very squishy ><

So instead of eating it and getting all the juice on the carpet,
I decided to make some Mango Pudding, well actually Mango Mousse.
it taste the same.... well to me it does..

This one is really easy. Its just put everything in a bowl, and mix. It takes about 5min to make, then 3 to 4 hours for it to set.

●Fresh mango ●milk ●cream ●sugar ●egg yolk ●gelatin yogurt

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wafu Hamburg ~和風ハンバーグ~

Posted by KazuoWorld

This is a Japanese Style Hamburg,
which is like a huge pan-fried meat ball.

Usually it is served with some gravy sauce on top,
but this time I have put some flavoring with a bit of
Soy, Mirin and grated garlic and ginger before it was cooked.
And to finish it off, lay some shredded Daikon Radish on top.

Squeeze a hint of lemon before you eat and will be great.

●Minced Beef ●Onion ●Garlic ●Ginger ●Soy ●Salt ●Pepper ●Daikon Radish