Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wafu Hamburg ~和風ハンバーグ~

Posted by KazuoWorld

This is a Japanese Style Hamburg,
which is like a huge pan-fried meat ball.

Usually it is served with some gravy sauce on top,
but this time I have put some flavoring with a bit of
Soy, Mirin and grated garlic and ginger before it was cooked.
And to finish it off, lay some shredded Daikon Radish on top.

Squeeze a hint of lemon before you eat and will be great.

●Minced Beef ●Onion ●Garlic ●Ginger ●Soy ●Salt ●Pepper ●Daikon Radish


Unknown said...

do u really cook? hehe
can u do me a favor? make a big sushi for me!!~ =P

Anonymous said...

cook sushi, yuk!